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Laine E, Karami Y, Carbone A*. GEMME: A Simple and Fast Global Epistatic Model Predicting Mutational Effects. Molecular Biology and Evolution. (2019).
Dequeker C, Laine E, Carbone A*. Decrypting protein surfaces by combining evolution, geometry and molecular docking. Proteins. (2019).
Battisti A, Zamuner S, Sarti E, Laio A. Toward a unified scoring function for native state discrimination and drug-binding pocket recognition. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20(25), pp.17148 - 17155 (2018).
Aleksandrova AA, Sarti E, Forrest LR. EncoMPASS: an Encyclopedia of Membrane Proteins Analyzed by Structure and Symmetry. bioRxiv. pp.391961 (2018).
Saad C, Noé L, Richard H, Leclerc J, Buisine M-P, Touzet H, Figeac M. DiNAMO: highly sensitive DNA motif discovery in high-throughput sequencing data. 19(1), pp.223 (2018).
Shrestha AMS, Frith MC, Asai K, Richard H. Jointly aligning a group of DNA reads improves accuracy of identifying large deletions. Nucleic acids research. 46(3), pp.e18 - e18 (2018).
Karami Y, Bitard-Feildel T, Laine E, Carbone A*. "Infostery” analysis of short molecular dynamics simulations identifies highly sensitive residues and predicts deleterious mutations. Scientific Reports. 8(1), (2018).
Briquet S, Ourimi A, Pionneau C, Bernardes JS, Carbone A*, Chardonnet S, Vaquero C. Identification of Plasmodium falciparum nuclear proteins by mass spectrometry and proposed protein annotation. PLoS One. (2018).
Ugarte A, Vicedomini R, Bernardes JS, Carbone A*. A multi-source domain annotation pipeline for quantitative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic functional profiling. Microbiome. (2018).
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A, Djerroud S, Fourgoux P, Guiglielmoni N, Laurentie J, Lehmann N, Lochard C, Montagne R, Myrodia V, Opuu V, Parey E, Polit L, Privé S, Quignot C, Ruiz-Cuevas M, Sissoko M, Sompairac N, Vallerix A, Verrecchia V, Delarue M, Guérois R, Ponty Y, Sacquin-Mora S, Carbone A*, Froidevaux C, Le Crom S, Lespinet O, Weigt M, Abboud S, Bernardes JS, Bouvier G, Dequeker C, Ferré A, Fuchs P, Lelandais G, Poulain P, Richard H, Schweke H, Laine E, Lopes* A. Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14, pp.1-10 (2018).
Lagarde N, Carbone A*, Sacquin-Mora S. Hidden partners: Using cross-docking calculations to predict binding sites for proteins with multiple interactions. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. (2018).
Raucci R, Laine E, Carbone A*. Local Interaction Signal Analysis predicts protein-protein binding affinity. Structure. (2018).
Douam F, Fusil F, Enguehard M, Dib L, Nadalin F, Schwaller L, Hrebikova G, Mancip J, Mailly L, Montserret R, Ding Q, Maisse C, Carlot E, Xu K, Verhoeyen E, Baumert T, Ploss A, Carbone A*, Cosset FL*, Lavillette D*. A protein coevolution method designed for conserved sequences uncovers critical features of the original HCV fusion mechanism and provides molecular basis for the design of effective antiviral strategies. PLoS Pathogens. (2018).
Shrestha AMS, Asai K, Frith M, Richard H. Jointly aligning a group of DNA reads improves accuracy of identifying large deletions. Nucleic Acids Research. 46(3), (2018).
Krakau S, Richard H, Marsico A. PureCLIP: capturing target-specific protein–RNA interaction footprints from single-nucleotide CLIP-seq data. 18(1), pp.240 (2017).


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