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Laine E, Carbone A* Identification of Protein Interaction Partners from Shape Complementarity Molecular Cross-Docking. in IEEE International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) 2013 Workshops, LNCS 8158. Springer. pp. 318–325 (2013) |
Mirauta B, Nicolas P, Richard H Pardiff: Inference of Differential Expression at Base-Pair Level from RNA-Seq Experiments. in IEEE International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) 2013 Workshops, LNCS 8158. Springer. pp. 418–427 (2013) |
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Lopes A, Sacquin-Mora S, Dimitrova V, Laine E, Ponty Y, Carbone A*. Protein-protein interactions in a crowded environment: an analysis via cross-docking simulations and evolutionary information. PLoS Comput Biol. 9(12), pp.e1003369 (2013). |
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