Roux P, Salort D. Towards a further understanding of the dynamics in the excitatory NNLIF neuron model: Blow-up and global existence. Kinetic & Related Models. 14, pp.819-846 (2021). |
Roux P, Salort D, Xu Z. Adaptation to DNA damage as a bet-hedging mechanism in a fluctuating environment. R Soc Open Sci. 8(8), pp.210460 (2021). |
Torres N, Salort D. Dynamics of Neural Networks with Elapsed Time Model and Learning Processes. 170(1), pp.1065 - 1099 (2020). |
Kim J, Perthame B, Salort D. Fast Voltage Dynamics of Voltage–Conductance Models for Neural Networks. (2020). |
Perthame B, Ribes E, Salort D. Career plans and wage structures : a mean field game approach. Mathematics in Engineering. (2019). |
Moussa A, Perthame B, Salort D. Backward Parabolicity, Cross-Diffusion and Turing Instability. 29(1), pp.139 - 162 (2019). |
Cáceres MJ, Roux P, Salort D, Schneider R. Global-in-time classical solutions and qualitative properties for the NNLIF neuron model with synaptic delay. Communication in Partial Differential Equations. (2019). |
Perthame B, Salort D. Derivation of a voltage density equation from a voltage-conductance kinetic model for networks of Integrate-and-Fire neurons. Communication in Mathematical sciences. (2019). |
Nguyen TN, Clairambault J, Jaffredo T, Perthame B, Salort D. Adaptive dynamics of hematopoietic stem cells and their supporting stroma: A model and mathematical analysis. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. (2019). |
Annunziata R, Ritter A, Fortunato AE, Cheminant-Navarro S, Agier N, Huysman MJJ, Winge P, Bones A, Bouget F-Y, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Bouly J-P, Falciatore A. A bHLH-PAS protein regulates light-dependent rhythmic processes in the marine diatom "Phaeodactylum tricornutum". PNAS. pp.271445 (2019). |
Doumic M, Perthame B, Ribes E, Salort D, Toubiana N. Toward an integrated workforce planning framework using structured equations. European Journal of Operational Research. 262, pp.217 - 230 (2017). |
Perthame B, Salort D, Wainrib G. Distributed synaptic weights in a LIF neural network and learning rules. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 353, (2017). |
Bonazzi D, Haupt A, Tanimoto H, Delacour D, Salort D, Minc N. Actin-Based Transport Adapts Polarity Domain Size to Local Cellular Curvature. Current BiologyCurrent Biology. (2015). |
M.J. K, Perthame B, Salort D. Dynamics of time elapsed inhomogeneous neuron network model. Compte Rendu de l’Académie des Sciences. (2015). |
Carrillo JAntonio, Perthame B, Salort D, Smets D. Qualitative properties of solutions for the noisy integrate and fire model in computational neuroscience. Nonlinearity. 28, pp.3365 (2015). |