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Autocatalytic networks toward Darwinian evolution
How did evolution emerge in physical-chemical systems during the origin of life? Reproduction requires autocatalysis, but evolution further requires a diversity of autocatalytic systems. In a first study, we found universal stoichiometric criteria to recognize autocatalysis in reaction networks. This analysis unifies our view of self-reproduction
in already known systems and indicates that there may exist many others. In a second study, we experimentally measured the dynamics of thousands of autocatalytic RNA reaction networks. The resulting landscape reveals trade-offs between the Darwinian properties of variation and selection in self-reproducing systems. Finally, I will discuss how Darwinian evolution may ultimately be implemented in RNA recombination networks.
[1] Ameta, S., Arsène, S., Foulon, S., Saudemont, B., Clifton, B. E., Griffiths, A. D., & Nghe, P. (2021). Darwinian properties and their
trade-offs in autocatalytic RNA reaction networks, Nature Communications (2021, in press)
[2] Blokhuis, A., Lacoste, D., & Nghe, P., Universal motifs and the diversity of autocatalytic systems. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, 117(41), 25230-25236 (2020).