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E-Biothon: An experimental platform for bioinformatics

TitleE-Biothon: An experimental platform for bioinformatics
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsDayde, M, Depardon, B, Franc, A, Gibrat, J-F, Guilllier, R, Karami, Y, Sutter, F, Taddese, B, Chabbert, M, Therond, S
Conference NameInternational Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT)
Date Published09/2015
Conference LocationYerevan, Armenia, Sept
Keywordsbioinformatics, Cloud, Electronic mail, Genomics, Microorganisms, parallel computing, Portals, Proteins

The E-Biothon platform [1] is an experimental Cloud platform to help speed up and advance research in biology, health and environment. It is based on a Blue Gene/P system and a web portal that allow members of the bioinformatics community to easily launch their scientific applications. We describe in this paper the technical capacities of the platform, the different applications supported and finally a set of user experiences on the platform.


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