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EncoMPASS: an online database for analyzing structure and symmetry in membrane proteins

TitleEncoMPASS: an online database for analyzing structure and symmetry in membrane proteins
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSarti, E, Aleksandrova, AA, Ganta, SK, Yavatkar, AS, Forrest, LR
JournalNucleic Acids Res
PaginationD315 - D321
Date Published2019
ISBN Number0305-1048

The EncoMPASS online database ( collects, organizes, and presents information about membrane proteins of known structure, emphasizing their structural similarities as well as their quaternary and internal symmetries. Unlike, e.g. SCOP, the EncoMPASS database does not aim for a strict classification of membrane proteins, but instead is organized as a protein chain-centric network of sequence and structural homologues. The online server for the EncoMPASS database provides tools for comparing the structural features of its entries, making it a useful resource for homology modeling and active site identification studies. The database can also be used for inferring functionality, which for membrane proteins often involves symmetry-related mechanisms. To this end, the online database also provides a comprehensive description of both the quaternary and internal symmetries in known membrane protein structures, with a particular focus on their orientation relative to the membrane.

Short TitleNucleic Acids Research

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