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Feedback topology and XOR-dynamics in Boolean networks with varying input structure.

TitleFeedback topology and XOR-dynamics in Boolean networks with varying input structure.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsCiandrini, L, Maffi, C, Motta, A, Bassetti, B, Cosentino Lagomarsino, M
JournalPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
Issue2 Pt 2
Date Published2009 Aug

We analyze a model of fixed in-degree random Boolean networks in which the fraction of input-receiving nodes is controlled by the parameter gamma. We investigate analytically and numerically the dynamics of graphs under a parallel XOR updating scheme. This scheme is interesting because it is accessible analytically and its phenomenology is at the same time under control and as rich as the one of general Boolean networks. We give analytical formulas for the dynamics on general graphs, showing that with a XOR-type evolution rule, dynamic features are direct consequences of the topological feedback structure, in analogy with the role of relevant components in Kauffman networks. Considering graphs with fixed in-degree, we characterize analytically and numerically the feedback regions using graph decimation algorithms (Leaf Removal). With varying gamma , this graph ensemble shows a phase transition that separates a treelike graph region from one in which feedback components emerge. Networks near the transition point have feedback components made of disjoint loops, in which each node has exactly one incoming and one outgoing link. Using this fact, we provide analytical estimates of the maximum period starting from topological considerations.

Alternate JournalPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
PubMed ID19792215

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