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The many types of heterogeneity in replicative senescence

TitleThe many types of heterogeneity in replicative senescence
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsXu, Z, Teixeira, MTeresa
Date Published2019/07/15
ISBN Number0749-503X
KeywordsDNA damage checkpoint, heterogeneity, Replicative senescence, Telomerase, Telomere

Abstract Replicative senescence, which is induced by telomere shortening, underlies the loss of regeneration capacity of organs and is ultimately detrimental to the organism. At the same time, it is required to protect organisms from unlimited cell proliferation that may arise from numerous stimuli or deregulations. One important feature of replicative senescence is its high level of heterogeneity and asynchrony, which promote genome instability and senescence escape. Characterizing this heterogeneity and investigating its sources are thus critical to understanding the robustness of replicative senescence. Here we review the different aspects of senescence driven by telomere attrition that are subject to variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, current understanding of the molecular processes at play, and the consequences of heterogeneity in replicative senescence.

Short TitleYeast

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